Wooden Crafts , SAWANTWADI

Sawantwadi specialises in wooden craft. Its wooden toys, bamboo Craft, Pottery Art, traditional Art Paintings & Carved Bison Horns are world famous. Since 250 years it adds to the glory of Sawantwadi.

Art and Crafts of Sawantwadi :
Sawant wadi is well known for its wooden puppets and its Dashavatara Ganjifa cards. The Dashavatara are the ten avatars of the Hindu Lord Vishnu, which adorn these set of playing cards. the standard playing cards of India are ninety-six card sets of Moghul Ganjifa, and 120 or 144 card sets of Dashavatara Ganjifa. Sawantwadi is also known for its lacquer ware furniture, chess boards and card games, fruits and

vegetables and dolls. Princess Satwasheela Devi of the Royal House of Sawantwadi played an instrumental role in reviving this art and trade.

Shilpagram The Arts and Craft village
This is an arts and crafts village the was developed to keep alive and promote local arts and crafts. On display are the rich traditional folk dance forms. Making of wooden toys, earthenware etc. You can actually watch live performances of the folk artists, and buy the just made handicraft creations to add to your collection. Besides this an amphitheatre for performing local arts.

Accommodation :